viernes, 11 de junio de 2010

Se acerca Summer Festival '10

Hola Pandas!
Henry nos recordó que este Lunes, se inicia la fiesta más esperada "Summer Festival 2010"

Summer Festival Starts Monday!June 10th, 2010

Hi Pandas,

I'm really excited to announce that the annual Pandanda Summer Festival is nearly here! It begins this Monday, June 14th. During the Summer Festival you'll be able to relax under the palm trees and enjoy the sun, sand, and music all over Pandanda Land. Players can also search for Festival Pineapples and trade them for exciting summer prizes! Also, starting Monday all Pandas will have access to the new location, Coconut Beach. The Pandanda Summer Festival is around for just two weeks and ends on Monday, June 28th, so don't miss out.

It is going to be totally awesome! I can hardly wait!


En resumen, Henry está totalmente ansioso por el anual Summer Festival ( que viene el Lunes 14 de Junio)
Podremos relajarnos bajo la sombra de una palmera y juntando Piñas (Ananá) podremos cambiarlas por premios realmente especiales.
También, desde el 14 hasta el 28 de Junio tosoa los pandas podremos entrar a Coconut Beach.

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